@Article{CMR-39-254, author = {Cao , Guangfu and He , Li}, title = {Operators on Sobolev Type Spaces}, journal = {Communications in Mathematical Research }, year = {2023}, volume = {39}, number = {2}, pages = {254--286}, abstract = {

In this paper, we introduce the work done on Hardy-Sobolev spaces and Fock-Sobolev spaces and their operators and operator algebras, including the study of boundedness, compactness, Fredholm property, index theory, spectrum and essential spectrum, norm and essential norm, Schatten-p classes, and the $C^∗$ algebras generated by them.

}, issn = {2707-8523}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.4208/cmr.2022-0032}, url = {http://global-sci.org/intro/article_detail/cmr/21547.html} }