@Article{IJNAM-21-20, author = {Alhammali , AzharPeszynska , Malgorzata and Shin , Choah}, title = {Numerical Analysis of a Mixed Finite Element Approximation of a Coupled System Modeling Biofilm Growth in Porous Media with Simulations}, journal = {International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling}, year = {2024}, volume = {21}, number = {1}, pages = {20--64}, abstract = {

In this paper, we consider mixed finite element approximation of a coupled system of nonlinear parabolic advection-diffusion-reaction variational (in)equalities modeling biofilm growth and nutrient utilization in porous media at pore-scale. We study well-posedness of the discrete system and derive an optimal error estimate of first order. Our theoretical estimates extend the work on a scalar degenerate parabolic problem by Arbogast et al, 1997 [4] to a variational inequality; we also apply it to a system. We also verify our theoretical convergence results with simulations of realistic scenarios.

}, issn = {2617-8710}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.4208/ijnam2024-1002}, url = {http://global-sci.org/intro/article_detail/ijnam/22328.html} }