@Article{JMS-48-53, author = {Yao , Yao and Guo , Xiao-Xia}, title = {Numerical Methods to Solve the Complex Symmetric Stabilizing Solution of the Complex Matrix Equation $X+A^TX^{−1}A=Q$}, journal = {Journal of Mathematical Study}, year = {2015}, volume = {48}, number = {1}, pages = {53--65}, abstract = {
When the matrices $A$ and $Q$ have special structure, the structure-preserving algorithm was used to compute the stabilizing solution of the complex matrix equation $X+A^TX^{-1}A=Q.$ In this paper, we study the numerical methods to solve the complex symmetric stabilizing solution of the general matrix equation $X+A^TX^{-1}A=Q.$ We not only establish the global convergence for the methods under an assumption, but also show the feasibility and effectiveness of them by numerical experiments.
}, issn = {2617-8702}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.4208/jms.v48n1.15.04}, url = {http://global-sci.org/intro/article_detail/jms/9909.html} }