TY - JOUR T1 - A Priori Bounds for Elastic Scattering by Deterministic and Random Unbounded Rough Surfaces AU - Wang , Tianjiao AU - Lin , Yiwen AU - Xu , Xiang JO - CSIAM Transactions on Applied Mathematics VL - 4 SP - 696 EP - 720 PY - 2023 DA - 2023/10 SN - 4 DO - http://doi.org/10.4208/csiam-am.SO-2023-0001 UR - https://global-sci.org/intro/article_detail/csiam-am/22075.html KW - Elastic wave scattering, unbounded rough surface, variation problem, a priori bound. AB -
This paper investigates the elastic scattering by unbounded deterministic and random rough surfaces, both of which are assumed to be graphs of Lipschitz continuous functions. For the deterministic case, an a priori bound explicitly dependent on frequencies is derived by the variational approach. For the scattering by random rough surfaces with a random source, well-posedness of the corresponding variation problem is proved. Moreover, a similar bound with explicit dependence on frequencies for the random case is also established based upon the deterministic result, Pettis measurability theorem and Bochner’s integrability theorem.