Volume 36, Number 6
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Xiangxiang Zhu, Jicheng Li & Zhuosheng Zhang


J. Comp. Math., 36 (2018), pp. 761-775.

Preview Full PDF 3145 36274 Abstract

Bothina El-Sobky & Abdallah Abotahoun


J. Comp. Math., 36 (2018), pp. 776-791.

Preview Full PDF 2806 34442 Abstract

Michael Holst & Christopher Tiee


J. Comp. Math., 36 (2018), pp. 792-832.

Preview Full PDF 3188 49816 Abstract

Carsten Carstensen, Dietmar Gallistl & Yunqing Huang


J. Comp. Math., 36 (2018), pp. 833-844.

Preview Full PDF 2981 36129 Abstract

Zhoufeng Wang & Peiqi Huang


J. Comp. Math., 36 (2018), pp. 845-865.

Preview Full PDF 3067 34707 Abstract

Kaifang Liu, Lunji Song & Shuangfeng Zhou


J. Comp. Math., 36 (2018), pp. 866-880.

Preview Full PDF 2870 35181 Abstract

Cheng Chen, Zaiwen Wen & Yaxiang Yuan


J. Comp. Math., 36 (2018), pp. 881-902.

Preview Full PDF 3133 43814 Abstract

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